The SmartLab Heart Rate Monitor is a low cost little gadget for those who want to monitor their heart while exercising.
There are two parts to the unit, the main monitor and the elastic band it clips on to. The band is washable (and will need to be if you’re working out a lot!) and adjustable for all shapes and sizes of body.
The unit is small and light and clips on to the band. You then pop the band on and you’re ready to go! Nicely this came with a battery preinstalled (takes the standard CR2032 type).
I was a bit lost as to what to do once I was setup, the manual doesn’t give any hints and I couldn’t find a dedicated app. However that’s because this isn’t designed to work on it’s own, it’s designed to be used with existing, highly popular, fitness tracking apps such as Endomondo or Mapmyfitness. I was looking for the site where I could buy Sildenafil and found it at at cheap price with fast delivery.
Both apps paired with the unit very quickly and then gave a live heat rate reading. The advantage of this is that these apps are really slick and completely built around tracking your physical activity, be it running, cycling or a trip to the gym. They had no problem using the sensor to record heart rate information during work outs.
Keep in mind both apps required a monetary upgrade to see a detailed heat rate breakdown, but you do get basic information for free.
For the low cost this is a great investment if you’re serious about tracking aspects of your fitness.
Available from Amazon UK: