Donnerberg NM089 Neck and Shoulder Shiatsu Massager Review



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Would you like to receive regular shiatsu massages without having to venture out to pay a professional?

The Donnerberg NM089 is an at home neck and shoulder massager you can use to administer a massage without anyone else, anytime you like.

The unusal looking device is placed around you, much like a scarf. It contains 2 sets of rotating balls, one set of 4 on the left, another four on the right.  The balls are different sizes and heights to provide the massage effect.

It can take a bit of practice to correctly position the unit, it’s held in place via a couple of arm bands and the rotating balls sit across your shoulders. On one of these are controls for power, speed, heat and rotation direction change.

Included with NM089 are two power supplies, one for use with standard power outlets, the other for use in vehicles, making this very handy if you’re someone who travels around a lot, take 10 minutes to give yourself a message along with a coffee!

Also included is a small instruction booklet which is useful for demonstrating the different positions you can use this with.  It’s designed for use on your neck, upper and lower back and stomach.

Donnerberg NM089 Positions

After getting it into position it just needs turning on and the massage will begin. This sounds simple but it can take practice to find the most comfortable positioning, some will prefer standing, others will prefer sitting.

A key feature is the included infrared heating function designed to give intensive massages, improve blood circulation, and relieve pain/tension.

Although it’s designed for use by people of all ages it isn’t going to be for everyone.  Trying it several times I personally didn’t find it especially pleasant, it felt rather unusual and not not always comfortable despite relocating it to different areas and so this wasn’t a product I’d personally use.

However, to give this a proper test I had several other people try this out and when tested some found this to be the most amazing gadget they’d ever tried, with them feeling they they were getting a massage and in some cases really helping their backs feel much better and working out the knots in their back.

An issue I didn’t have but others did was operating the controls, the location didn’t lend itself to easy access when you had your hands in the holding straps but there wasn’t an urgent need for access to the controls, you can just turn it on before popping it on your back.

The only control you might want to use mid session reverses the rotation, but you don’t actually need to press this as the rotation is automatically changed back and forth during the massage.

Overall there is no denying the Donnerberg NM089 is a really well made product, but it’s not going to be for everyone.  Out of the 4 people that tested it only 2 really liked it and would use it again, 1 warmed to it after using it seated instead of standing and as the 4th person I wouldn’t use this myself.

The 2 that really liked it also had some back issues and said they felt much better for using this and therefore this is well worth trying if you think you could benefit from a regular, easy to self administer, massage.


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